Of all the things people splurge on for their wedding, favors can arguably become one of the most offensive ways to waste your budget dollars. I don’t want to sound rude, but the truth of the matter is, no one wants a tchotchke with your monogram, initials and/or wedding date on it. It might be cute for a day or two, but beyond that, the favor likely will end up in the trash.
But fear not! There are really great ways to thank your guests for spending your day with you: our top recommendation: give your guests something edible as they part for the evening – a sweet treat, like these chocolate boxes from Sammy and Frankie’s wedding, are always a big hit among guests. You can elevate the display by having the favors served by your catering team on silver trays.
Another great favor alternative: making a donation to a cause you care about, in lieu of favors – place a sign near the escort card table to let guests know a donation was made, and maybe a line or two about the organization you’ve chosen.
Photo by Studio Nouveau from Sammy and Frankie’s wedding at Rosecliff Mansion. Favors served by The Catered Affair.